With no cocktail parties, golf tournaments, events, or any large get together until who knows when, it's time to start thinking about hosting your own webinar. These are not as difficult as they may seem and are a great way to stay in front of your current and prospective clients. Yes, everyone may be feeling zoomed out, but there are many ways to make these types of events interactive and informative to keep your business growing in the second half of the year.
Join us on Thursday, September 10th at 2:00 PM (ET) to hear Carrie Simpson, Founder of Managed Sales Pros, discuss the various ways you can keep these virtual events lively and useful for your attendees. We will cover some easy steps for you to follow, so you can host your very own successful webinar!
Register today to save your spot for this interactive and informative webinar with Managed Sales Pros Founder, Carrie Simpson.
Thursday, September 10th at 2:00 pm ET